◆ Original oil painting on canvas board
◆ Image size: 495x390mm
◆ Frame size: 565x460mm (outside dimensions)
◆ Copyright Liz Peck 2024
We have framed this beautiful painting in a metallic green moulding with a silver bevelled edge. The moulding is approximately 34mm wide.
Please note our standard delivery costs/times do not apply to this listing. We carefully package framed pieces in custom-made wooden crates which are specifically designed to protect your artwork during transit, ensuring that it reaches you in the same condition as when it left us. This custom packaging process extends our preparation and shipping times, but you will receive regular updates once your order is confirmed and a tracking number when your artwork is on its way.
"Portree From The Lump" by Liz Peck Framed Oil Painting
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